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Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 8 - Facilities and University Services
Previous Publication Date: August 6, 2021
Publication Date: June 29, 2022
Policy Reviewed Date: December 11, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Business Affairs

8.02 Property Accounting Responsibilities


University equipment should not be used for personal gain or in competition with private enterprise. Regulations regarding proper use of university/state property by university employees are included in The University of Texas Board of Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 80101, Section 2 of the Regents' Rules and Regulations includes the following statement:

Authorized Users. No person, organization, group, association, or corporation may use property or buildings owned or controlled by the University of Texas System (UT System) or any of its institutions for any purpose other than in the course of the regular programs or activities related to the role and mission of the UT System and its institutions, unless authorized by the Regents' Rules and Regulations. Any authorized use must be conducted in compliance with the provisions of the Regents' Rules and Regulations, the approved rules and regulations of the institution, and applicable federal, State, and local laws and regulations.


This policy describes administrative responsibilities for compliance with state regulations, laws, and system policies regarding university-owned property, including property considered as capitalized and property "controlled" in accordance with State of Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts' policies and laws and regulations of the State of Texas.


This policy applies to all 世界杯官方app Capitalized Assets and Controlled Property.



世界杯官方app or UT System Policies or the Board of Regents' Rules & Regulations

  1. The University of Texas System Board of Regents’ Rule 80101
  2. The University of Texas System Board of Regents’ Rule 80201
  3. 世界杯官方app Financial Affairs Financial Management Operation Guidelines
    1. Accounting for Controlled Property and Capital Assets
    2. Surplus Property

Other Policies & Standards

  1. State of Texas Comptroller’s Office –  State Property Accounting Users Guide
  2. Authority and Equipment Inventory Requirements for State Agencies – Texas Government Code Sections 403.271-278


If you have any questions about HOP policy 8.02, Property Accounting Responsibilities, contact the following office:

Financial Services & University Bursar


Capitalized Asset: Any equipment item with a unit cost of $5,000 or more is capitalized; capitalized assets are recorded on the University inventory and in the annual financial report. GASB 51 Accounting and Financial Reporting for Intangible Assets stipulates the requirements to capitalize intangible assets such as computer software, which is considered capitalized if the total cost exceeds $100,000.

Controlled Property: Certain items in accordance with the State of Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts' policies and procedures are inventoried as controlled property. These items are individually tagged with a numerical barcode and listed on the University's inventory, but are not considered capitalized. Items from the following list are considered "Controlled" if the acquisition cost is at least $500 or up to $4,999.99.

  1. Controlled Property Items ($500 to $4,999.99)
    1. Sound Systems and other Audio Equipment
    2. Cameras - Portable - Digital, SLR
    3. TVs, video players/recorders
    4. Computers: Desktop or Laptop
    5. Data Projectors
    6. Smartphones, Tablets, & Other Hand-Held/Wearable Devices
    7. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) - Drones
  2. Controlled Property Items (regardless of cost)
    1. Firearms
    2. Artwork

Department Manager: An individual with fiscal responsibility and decision-making authority for 世界杯官方app resources who has approval access to commit funding using the institutional financial accounting system.

Employee: An individual who receives compensation via 世界杯官方app’s Administrative Payroll .  

Impairment: Per GASB 42, a capital asset is considered impaired when its service utility has declined significantly and unexpectedly.

Property: Furniture, equipment, works of art, or other items of a non-consumable nature that are reasonably expected to last more than a year. Such items are tagged with university assigned numerical barcodes to facilitate the annual inventory process.

Visiting Scholars and Researchers: Individuals covered in HOP policy 1.34, Visiting Scholars and Researchers


  1. President
    The President of 世界杯官方app is responsible for property in possession of the University.
  2. Property Manager
    1. The Assistant Vice President of Financial Services and University Bursar has been designated by the President as 世界杯官方app's Property Manager with delegated custodial authority and responsibility for all 世界杯官方app property.
    2. Ensures compliance with State and 世界杯官方app requirements pertaining to capitalized and controlled equipment.
  3. Department Manager
    Each Department Manager is responsible for all property acquired (through purchase, transfer, or gift) and assigned to their administrative unit. Specific responsibilities of Department Managers include:
    1. Ensures that such equipment is used for approved University purposes and not for personal gain.
    2. Assigns equipment for use by employees who have been made aware of their responsibilities and are sufficiently and appropriately trained on the use of the equipment.
    3. Exercises "reasonable care" for equipment safekeeping and relevant safety concerns.
    4. Designates the Inventory Contact Person.
    5. Keeps equipment in good working condition.
    6. Ensures equipment is accessible at all times for audit purposes.
    7. Reports missing or stolen property to the Inventory Contact Person within 24 hours of discovery.
    8. Informs the Inventory Contact Person of changes to the location or status of inventoried equipment including equipment upgrades, trade-ins or enhancements.
    9. Properly disposes of unused, obsolete, or nonfunctional university equipment.
    10. Assures equipment is cannibalized for parts according to University procedures.
    11. Assures the Department’s Annual Physical Inventory (API) is conducted in accordance with University policy and procedures which includes the physical verification of each capital and controlled asset assigned to the Department.  Upon completion of the API, the Department Manager must complete the API Certification Statement, no later than July 15th of the reporting period.  The Department Manager’s certification must include a notification of any known asset impairments which occurred during the reporting period.
  4. Employee
    All 世界杯官方app employees are responsible for exercising reasonable care for university property and assuring that it is used only for university business purposes. An employee that removes university property from university premises assumes legal and oversight responsibility for the care of the institutional asset. University property may not be removed until removal is approved and documented on an equipment removal form that stipulates this responsibility.
  5. Visiting Scholars, Visiting Researchers and other official 世界杯官方app Guests
    Visiting scholars, researchers and other official 世界杯官方app guests are responsible for exercising reasonable care for university property and assuring that it is used only for university business purposes. A visiting scholar, researcher or other official 世界杯官方app guest that removes university property from campus assumes legal and oversight responsibility for the care of that property. University property may not be removed from campus until the Department Manager authorizes an equipment removal form that stipulates this responsibility. Failure to do so may result in the suspension of the privilege to use university property and in the termination of visitor or guest status, as determined by the Department Manager.
  6. Inventory Contact Person
    1. Maintains the inventory paperwork for the department, such as property/equipment transfers, removal of equipment forms, and annual inventory paperwork.
    2. Enters departmental data in UTShare/PeopleSoft for location changes of tracked and controlled property and Banner ID updates for custody purposes.
    3. Performs the Annual Physical Inventory for the department.


The following administrative guidelines provide the detailed procedures related to this policy:

Accounting for Controlled Property and Capital Assets

Surplus Property




世界杯官方app Inventory and Surplus Forms -



XIII. Dates Approved/Amended



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